MBG partner Dave Baltmanis was recently named President of the Chicago Council of Lawyers, Chicago’s public-interest bar association. Dave has been a member of the Council’s Board of Governors since 2013 and has been an active participant in its Criminal Justice, Access to Justice, Federal Courts, and State Judicial Evaluations committees.
The Chicago Council of Lawyers is not a traditional bar association. For 50 years, the Council has been a member-based organization whose focus is the benefit of non-members, particularly poor and disadvantaged populations who often have unequal access to the justice system. In partnership with the Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice, volunteers from the Council work on non-litigation pro bono projects meant to promote systemic reform, including increased access to justice, immigration court reform, criminal justice reform, children and family law, and projects on the federal courts. In addition, the Council provides well-respected evaluations of state judicial candidates and sitting judges, and evaluations of nominees to the federal bench in Chicago.
The Council is a place for attorneys who want to give back to their communities through projects that promote social justice. The Council is a well-respected, non-partisan entity with the ear of important stakeholders in Cook County and Illinois at large, and has done a tremendous amount to ameliorate hidden injustices that don’t always make headlines or present themselves in everyday law practice. It is also a home for lawyers who lack the time or capacity to work on pro bono projects, but want to add their voices and monetary support to a message that gets things done for good government, fairness, and equal treatment for all.
Dave is proud to carry on a long tradition of MBG’s involvement with the Chicago Council of Lawyers and Chicago’s public interest community. MBG Partner Judd Miner is one of the founders of the Council and served as its first President. Other past Presidents of the Council include current MBG partner George Galland and former MBG partner Paul Strauss. Readers interested in joining the council, supporting its work, or learning more information are encouraged to reach out directly to Dave, to the Council’s Executive Director Malcolm Rich, or to visit the Council’s website for more information.