MBG and U.S. Department of Justice Attorneys Settle Anti-Discrimination Lawsuit Against Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department

Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department.
Image Credit: Rick Wilson, Florida Times-Union
Miner, Barnhill & Galland, in partnership with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and local counsel Kirsten Doolittle, represents the Jacksonville, Florida branch of the NAACP in a Title VII lawsuit alleging that the City of Jacksonville engaged in racial discrimination against African-Americans with respect to promotions in the Jacksonville Fire Department. The NAACP’s claims were consolidated with those of the United States Department of Justice, the Jacksonville Brotherhood of Firefighters, and numerous individual plaintiffs. The parties recently announced a proposed settlement of the litigation, pursuant to which the City will pay $4.9 million and develop new, lawful selection procedures for promotional ranks in the Fire Department, with oversight by the plaintiffs.